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FAQ - Going to Work FAQs
We spend about 100,806 hours working- that's 11 and a half years- so better keep it healthy. How can going to work affect my health? We spend many of our waking hours working so it's hardly surprising that the things we do there can have a major ... More
What is
Online stress support for men. The service offers online support for men of all ages. Midlife Crisis is the most visited mental health page on the Men’s Health Forum website and we know, through the other searches on our site, that we' ... More
'I don't have to pretend anymore'
Steve Baxter talks about living with depression. I was diagnosed with depression ten years ago – but I had been struggling with it since childhood. I felt there was something inadequate about me – that everyone else was able to cope and it was just me wh ... More
Haringey health links
Quick links to useful health services for men in Haringey From health checks and health advice to help with smoking, drink, drugs, sexual and mental health. NHS Health Check Everybody between the ages of 40 and 74, who has not already been diagnosed with ... More
Should I go to A&E?
Accident and Emergency (A&E) Departments are for emergencies. But what's an emergency? Would you call out roadside recovery if you ran out of petrol? Of course not. It would take ages and wouldn't solve the problem anyway. Yet every day hund ... More
Finding a GP
How to register with a local doctor's practice The GP, the local doctor, is the first point of contact when you are ill or want health advice. As well as doctors, many local GP practices have a team including practice nurses, sometimes counsellors a ... More
FAQ - Living with Covid - 19
Information for men on Covid-19 (last updated 5 April 2022) What is Covid-19? It is a type of coronavirus that was first detected in China at the end of 2019. Some coronaviruses are mild; some like SARS in 2002 are more serious. This is one of the more da ... More
FAQ - FAQs Psoriasis
The basics of the skin condition psoriasis and its impact on men's daily lives by Nyaka Mwanza. Psoriasis and its effects on daily life are unique to each individual. The severity, presentation, treatment response, and progression of one person’s pso ... More
FAQ - Penis Basics FAQs
How your tackle works and links to everything you need from erections to vasectomies. The penis, as you have probably discovered, is used for peeing, making babies and generally having fun with. You're very lucky to have one so take care of it. The n ... More
FAQ - 'Long Covid' FAQs
People ill with Covid-19 can experience many varied and debilitating symptoms long after the initial virus has passed. What is ‘Long Covid’? Long Covid is yet another way in which the Covid-19 virus is different from other viruses like the flu. Long Covid ... More