Beat Stress slideshow
Men's Health Forum slideshows can be shown on a loop wherever you have a screen to display your health messaging. Water cooler, canteen, reception, conference room, toilets …
This Beat Stress slideshow on male mental health is free for Men's Health Week 2016.
The slideshow is a PDF that can be played using Adobe Acrobat. The PDF is easy to share, easy to use and runs on most platforms. No special IT skills are needed.
How to use the slide show
Acrobat should be set up as follows on the PC or other device being used to play the slide show:
Under the Acrobat menu choose
Preferences > Full Screen
- Check Fill screen with one page at a time
- Check Loop after last page
- Check Advance every X seconds and add a time - suggest 20
- Background colour black
- Hide mouse cursor
- Transition wipe-left
- Click OK
This will ensure that the slideshow loops, full-screen for 20 seconds per slide with each slide sliding on top of the previous one to the left.
The PDF should open full screen (if it doesn't you can alter this in File > Properties > Initial View)
- More on Men's Health Forum slideshows