Men are encouraged to drop in for a pit stop all week 11-15 November 2014 at the Wood Green Mall shopping centre in Haringey.
The event is designed to promote the Man MOT service, a free one-stop shop for men in Haringey to ask GPs about their health using text chat and email. No appointment. No names - anonymous and confidential. Just log on at
You can find the Men’s Health Forum along with their partners Haringey Council and Tottenham Hotspur Foundation outside Cineworld on the first floor of the centre 11-15 November and find out all about it and other health-related services in the area. You can also enter our competition to win a tablet - ideal for visiting
The picture shows student journalists from City University covering the event on Tuesday 11 November.
On 13-15 November, you can also get a free NHS Health Check from Tottenham Hotspur Foundation if you’re a man aged 40-74 live in Haringey (or are
registered with a Haringey GP) and are not taking medication for: heart disease or heart failure, stroke or TIA (mini stroke), high blood pressure, atrial fibrillation or high cholesterol.
For latest news on the event, follow on Twitter: @ManMOTUK