Three new manuals available now

21/06/23 . Blog

You wait ages for a new manual from the Forum and then three come along at once.

Yep, we're marking a hectic Men's Health Week 2023 with the publication of three new manuals.

Our lives seem busier than ever - thanks in no small part to 24/7 internet on our smart phones. All of these new manuals reflect in some way the heightened franticness in our lives.

So, if you'e looking to take a screen break, sit down and read one. Or even two - they're very easy to read. No nagging, just the hard facts. And all with some very funny cartoons by John Byrne.

All three are available in bulk or single copies

Eat. Drink. Don't Diet.

The completely revised and rewritten second edition of our popular healthy eating manual is now available for the first time in hard copy.

Eat. Drink. Don't Diet is for men who don't want to diet, count calories or audition for Master Chef. It's all about great food and the pleasure of eating it. Full of quick, easy tips and interesting, nutritious facts, it will get you on the right track for a long life of happy eating.

Wanna Bet? Gambling and Men's Health

Fuelled by 24/7 internet, gambling has become one of the most dangerous of addictions. To the potential damage to your mental wellbeing and relationships, you can add the risk of emptying your bank account and falling into crime. Result: there are 600 gambling-related suicides in the UK every single year.

This manual explains how gambling works, how the apps and sites reel you in and how it can affect your brain and many, many other aspects of your life. All the hard facts you need to make your own choices. Also in PDF.

Porn Free: Pornography and Men's Health

In our emails to supporters and friends, we're calling this manual 'pawn free' to slip under vigilant spam filters. In other words, despite porn being a very common search term, we can't talk freely about something that more and more people are being exposed to at increasingly young ages.

Yes, porn has been around a long time but the internet has turned it into a serious addiction. As a result, it is now the second most common addiction for which men seek help. This manual explains how porn works on the brain and how to identify if you have a problem with it and what to do about it.
 Also in PDF.

Jim Pollard,

The Men’s Health Forum need your support

It’s tough for men to ask for help but if you don’t ask when you need it, things generally only get worse. So we’re asking.

In the UK, one man in five dies before the age of 65. If we had health policies and services that better reflected the needs of the whole population, it might not be like that. But it is. Policies and services and indeed men have been like this for a long time and they don’t change overnight just because we want them to.

It’s true that the UK’s men don’t have it bad compared to some other groups. We’re not asking you to ‘feel sorry’ for men or put them first. We’re talking here about something more complicated, something that falls outside the traditional charity fund-raising model of ‘doing something for those less fortunate than ourselves’. That model raises money but it seldom changes much. We’re talking about changing the way we look at the world. There is nothing inevitable about premature male death. Services accessible to all, a population better informed. These would benefit everyone - rich and poor, young and old, male and female - and that’s what we’re campaigning for.

We’re not asking you to look at images of pity, we’re just asking you to look around at the society you live in, at the men you know and at the families with sons, fathers and grandads missing.

Here’s our fund-raising page - please chip in if you can.

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