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A list of sources for the Mini Man second edition follows:
Weighty Matters (page 2): Diet link with blood pressure:
• Bray, GA, for the DASH Collaborative Group, "The Effect of Dietary Patterns on Blood Pressure: Results From the Dietary Approaches to Stop Hypertension (DASH) Clinical Trial." Current Concepts in Hypertension, November, 1998, 4-5
Heavy Weight Issues (page 3): 40 inch waist:
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30,000 deaths linked to obesity (page 3):
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African-Caribbean and Asian men have an increased risk of developing diabetes, high blood pressure and heart disease (page3):
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Coping with Stress (page 6): Work:
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Quitting Smoking (page 10):
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A Report of the Surgeon General: How Tobacco Smoke Causes Disease - The Biology and Behavioral Basis for Smoking-Attributable Disease Fact Sheet, 2010; and Tobacco Control: Reversal of Risk After Quitting Smoking, IARC Handbooks of Cancer Prevention, Vol. 11. 2007, p 341
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Erectile Dysfunction linked to smoking (page 11):
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• Warning: Smoking causes male sexual impotence. Smoking and threats to men’s sexual health. British Medical Association & ASH UK. 1999
Sensible Drinking (page 10):
• Solomon CG, Hu FB, Stampfer MJ, et al. Moderate alcohol consumption and risk of coronary heart disease among women with type 2 diabetes mellitus. Circulation. 2000; 102:494–99.
Mouth Cancer (page 16):
• Gillison ML, Broutian T, Pickard RKL, et al. Prevalence of oral HPV infection in the United States, 2009-2010. Journal of the American Medical Association. Published online January 26 2012
Diabetes and high blood pressure link to impotence (page 21):
• American Diabetes Association, "Complications of Diabetes in the United States." Brock, Gerald, Medscape Clinical Update, "New Horizons in Erectile Dysfunction Therapy." Ferrario, C.M., Levy.
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Psychological Impotence (page 21):
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