Health at work

Displaying 1 - 10 of 12 stories
13:30 . 22/02/21 . Blog
Guest blog from an employment law specialist.
Railway worker Rizwan Javed has won the Samaritans Lifesaver award for his work with passengers - nearly all men - considering ending their lives.
13:00 . 17/11/16 . Blog
To accompany today's International Men’s Day debate in Parliament, here are five surprising, but lesser known, facts about men's health.
11:00 . 07/11/16 . News
John Ryan to appear at the NHS England takeover event ay Guys Hospital, London.
Putting good mental health into health and safety at work.
10:45 . 18/11/15 . News
The Forum has been awarded the Healthy Workplace Charter.
Research report commissioned by the Food Standards Agency to investigate the dietary attitudes and behaviours of construction workers.
More than four in ten (42%) of the UK’s unpaid carers are male. The report ‘Husband, Partner, Dad, Son, Carer?’ looks into the experiences and needs of male carers to help raise awareness of the fact that male carers may not be getting the support they need.
The health issues of out of work men and how support services are failing to address them are examined in this report produced by the Men's Health Forum and The Work Foundation.
03:00 . 11/06/14 . News
New report shows how men suffer double whammy from joblessness. Services are failing to address the serious health problems worsened by unemployment in men, hampering their chances of finding and retaining a job.
