Salt and sugar

Displaying 1 - 10 of 15 stories
Brian is in his 60s. He has type 2 diabetes.
Ben is in his late 40s. He has type 1 diabetes with some type 2 characteristics.
John is in his 50s. He has type 2 diabetes.
Shaun is in his 40s. He has type 2 diabetes.
About 90% of people with diabetes have type 2. It can be controlled using diet and medication.
You can't avoid type 1 diabetes.
1 man in 10 now has diabetes. It's on the increase and, if undiagnosed, can be very dangerous.
11:30 . 17/03/16 . News
Obesity Health Alliance welcomes new tax scheduled for 2018.
12:15 . 20/07/15 . News
What does new guidance on how much sugar we should eat mean for men?
In July 2015 new recommendations on sugar were published.
