VCSE HW Alliance

Displaying 1 - 10 of 10 stories
Can you help develop a resource/toolkit for public health nurses to reduce health inequalities & improve health & wellbeing through reducing parental conflict?
We're working with NCVO and other VCSE Health and Wellbeing Alliance members to explore how data and intelligence held by the voluntary sector can be used.
Blood pressure project targeting black African and Caribbean men.
16:00 . 11/11/19 . News
The Forum is working with the Mental Health Consortium to investigate how to best help people with severe mental illness (SMI) to stop smoking.
11:15 . 16/05/19 . News
Wednesday 26th June at 10am-11am
Call for evidence: Supporting inclusive workplaces for everyone – Health Related Pathways to Work
Call for Practice Example: Closing the employment gap for young people with low level mental health issues