Sex and relationships

Displaying 1 - 10 of 28 stories
Euan Bruce discusses the impact of a partner's miscarriage on men and the support available.
How your tackle works and links to everything you need from erections to vasectomies.
We're supporting the launch of the 'Time to Raise It' report that looks to remove the shame and stigma associated with erection problems and to put the joy back into sex.
What's the World Cup got to do with diabetes? Well, the odds on you getting diabetes are about the same as on Argentina winning. Still think you don't need our World Cup Survival Guide?
Post-vasectomy pain is rarely talked about …
If 442 is not your team’s formation but the number of calories you consume before half-time, you need our Euro 2016 Survival Guide
CJ Bruce on identifying as 'genderqueer' and preferring they/their pronouns.
Leo Collins on being trans and having cerebral palsy.
13:30 . 11/08/15 . News
Man to Man, the gay men's health made easy booklet, is now available free on Kindle Unlimited.
Because in life there is no second innings.
