Common queries

Best practice

  1. Campaigning for better health for all


    What would Labour do about men's health? In 2001, Yvette Cooper, then minister for public health in the last Labour government, wrote the Foreword in the first issue of the Forum's journal, the Men's Health Journal. This government has made ... More

  2. Labour and men's health


    If you've ever wondered what attitude Labour might take to men's health, this fascinating interview with Yvette Cooper from 2000 might help. Many of the issues we discussed with the then minister for public health (now shadow home secretary) are ... More

  3. A moment of change for men


    The Men's Health Forum statement on male violence, March 2021 Like so many, we at the Men’s Health Forum have been appalled by the recent murder of Sarah Everard, moved and forced to reflect by the testimony of so many women in the days following tha ... More

  4. It ain't strong to be silent


    Blood pressure project targeting black African and Caribbean men. In a project led by the Race Equality Foundation, the Men’s Health Forum teamed up with Faith Action and Clinks to develop a community-centred programme to offer blood pressure testing and ... More

  5. Response to the Women & Equalities Committee Covid - 19 Enquiry


    The Men's Health Forum's response in full to the UK parliament's Women & Equalities Committee Enquiry on Covid-19 The PDF download is below or follow this link for the news story: Covid-19 shows we need a men's health policy now Pr ... More

  6. Men's Pie Club Blog


    What's the recipe for Pie Club? Our Pie Club blog looks at the project's ingredients in more detail: the challenge Pie Club seeks to meet, the evolution of the idea, our experiences and evaluation plans.   Professional ... More

  7. Male attitudes to primary care


    Findings from the Forum's Opinion Leader survey, March 2016. Key findings Although the majority of working men would be able to see their GP if they needed to, some groups are less likely to be able to – including those that find it difficult to take ... More

  8. Improving GP access links


    Content on this website related to GP access. Our how to guides contain the latest on how to 'do' men's health. Our man manuals provide the information men need in an accessible easy way. These articles might also help: Easy Ways to Improve ... More

  9. Easy ways to improve GP access


    When it comes to making GPs more accessible, there are some cheap, easy wins to be had. In the UK, men are far more likely to die young than women- 40% of males die before the age of 75 compared to 26% of females. Indeed, even today, one man in five dies ... More

  10. Latest Research on GP access


    We all want to improve GP access but how can it be done? Here you'll find the latest research. A National Audit Office report on Improving patient access to general practice was published in January 2017. It says: 'We have not seen evidence that ... More
