Key data: alcohol and smoking
Statistics on alcohol and smoking Compiled by Men’s Health Forum, December 2014. Updated April 2020. Summary Men are more likely than women to smoke, smoke more cigarettes per day and smoke hand-rolled tobacco. In England in 2018, 16.4% of men report smok ... More
Key data: mortality
Statistics on mortality Compiled by Men’s Health Forum, December 2014. Revised January 2017. Summary The mortality rates in England and Wales for males were 1,156.4 deaths per 100,000 population and for females 863.8 deaths per 100,000. In the UK one ma ... More
Key data: mental health
Statistics on mental health and men. Compiled by the Men’s Health Forum, June 2016. Update September 2017. Summary Just over three out of four suicides (76%) are by men and suicide is the biggest cause of death for men under 35 (Reference: ONS) 12.5% of m ... More
Key data: physical activity
Statistics on men and physical activity Compiled by Men’s Health Forum, June 2014 Men are more likely than women to be physically active. In England in 2012, 67% of men and 55% of women aged 16 and over reported that they met the government’s recommendati ... More
Key data: diet, weight and diabetes
Statistics on men's diet, weight and diabetes. Compiled by Men’s Health Forum, July 2014. Updated January 2017. Men generally eat a poorer diet than women and are less knowledgeable about healthy foods. 24% of men and 29% of women consumed the recomm ... More
Key data: cancer and circulatory diseases
Key data on cancer and circulatory diseases in men. Compiled by the Men’s Health Forum, March 2013 Cancer Cancer is more common in men than women. Men have a 14% higher risk of developing cancer. In the UK in 2011, the European age-standardised incidence ... More
Key data: Men's life expectancy
Key data on Men's Health: life expectancy and healthy life expectancy Compiled by the Men’s Health Forum, December 2014 Summary Life expectancy in the UK for males is 78.2 years and for females 82.3 years Healthy life expectancy in the UK for males i ... More