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FAQ - Getting Healthcare FAQs
Going to the right place for the right treatment can save you a lot of time and help you get the right diagnosis. Accident and Emergency A&E departments assess and treat patients with serious injuries or illnesses. Generally, you should visit A&E ... More
FAQ - Depression FAQs
Depression is common. But it's important to recognise the warning signs What is depression? We all feel down from time to time. But with time we get over it. Depression is feeling sad for weeks, months or longer. It is a normal reaction to too many s ... More
FAQ - Addiction FAQs
Do you keep going back for more? You mean, drink and drugs, right? You can become addicted to almost anything – drink, gambling, sex, drugs, football, slots, porn, masturbation, work, computer games, exercise, sugar, shopping. The list goes on. Something ... More
FAQ - Child Abuse FAQs
There are several agencies in the UK that support men who have been sexually abused. NAPAC (National Association for People Abused in Childhood) offer information and support. Their support line is free from landlines or mobiles: 0808 801 0331 (10am-9pm M ... More
FAQ - Sexually Transmitted Infections FAQs
STI's are the group of diseases transferred through sex. You know the drill: wear a condom. Sex. It feels good, helps to create personal bonds and relieves stress. Like anything however there are risks but, luckily for you, we have a guide on how to ... More
FAQ - Fitness Basics FAQs
There is a lot of exercise advice online. Here's the basics in a few hundred words. There’s so much information on the internet where do I even begin? Right here of course. What is the minimum I can do to make a difference? It's easier than all ... More
FAQ - Sleeping FAQs
Sleeping recharges your batteries, mentally and physically. If you can't sleep, you may have insomnia. Top tips for a better night's sleep? no screens in the bedroom (includes TV and phones/tablets) no stimulants except sex before bed (no coffee ... More
FAQ - Skin Problems FAQs
The skin is the largest organ of the body. It protects you, heals itself and lasts a lifetime. Six of the most common skin conditions are acne, eczema, psoriasis, ringworm, vitiligo and warts. Acne What is it? Acne causes spots to develop on the skin, usu ... More
FAQ - Digestive Problems FAQs
Some health problems are hard to digest: gallstones, peptic ulcers, constipation, heartburn and flatulence. Heartburn What is it? Heartburn or Gastro Oesophageal Reflux Disease (GORD) is that burning sensation in your throat which can happen after eating ... More
FAQ - Penis Size FAQs
Penises come in all shapes and sizes and usually there's nothing to worry about. My penis is too small/too big/the wrong shape. Penises come in all shapes and sizes with bumps and bends and visible veins, the lot. Genuine problems that might actually ... More